
Law Volunteer Programs

For many around the world, laws and human rights are foreign ideas rather than tangible, enforceable policies; therefore, many international agencies are focused solely on changing legal policies and practices, to ensure power is properly and legally distributed in every nation. Whether you are just beginning your career in law, are still studying, or have an established legal career, taking time to volunteer abroad will expand the way you operate in the field, while also exposing you to the awe-inspiring power legal policies have around the world.

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True Local Impact with the Best Volunteer Programs Abroad

71 Law Volunteer Programs

Kaya Responsible Travel
101 reviews

Kaya Responsible Travel

Rhino, Elephant and Big Cat Research and Conservation

Take part in this volunteering program abroad, and work on an ama...

Adelante Abroad
99 reviews

Adelante Abroad

Volunteer in Oaxaca, Mexico - Adelante Abroad

Make a positive impact in Mexico! Adelante Abroad offers affordab...

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The Intern Group
9.3645 reviews

The Intern Group

Internships & Volunteer Programs in London

The Intern Group provides you with top internships in London! Par...

Roots Interns
101 reviews

Roots Interns

Human Rights Internship in Cape Town, South Africa

This is an exciting opportunity to gain practical experience in l...

Projects Abroad
9.41296 reviews

Projects Abroad

Global Leader In Meaningful Travel. Trusted By 130,000

At Projects Abroad, we’re passionate about travel with a purpose....

See All 7 Programs
Jakera: Learn Spanish, Volunteer and Adventure
00 reviews

Jakera: Learn Spanish, Volunteer and Adventure

Costa Rica, Cuba & Guatemala – 12 Weeks Latin American Trip

Join us on a 12-week adventure through Costa Rica, Cuba, and Guat...

See All 3 Programs
Love Volunteers
00 reviews

Love Volunteers

Law and Human Rights Program in Cambodia

This vital Law and Human Rights Program puts international volunt...

See All 3 Programs
The Excellence Center in Palestine
9.4947 reviews

The Excellence Center in Palestine

Volunteer Projects In Palestine In 2025

Volunteer Projects In Palestine In 2025: The Excellence Center/En...

See All 6 Programs
Connect-123 Internship Programs
9.7572 reviews

Connect-123 Internship Programs

Global Internship & Volunteer Programs with Connect-123!

Whether you're looking for a hands-on, career-related internship ...

See All 3 Programs
ISA by WorldStrides
9.754 reviews

ISA by WorldStrides

ISA Service-Learning in Valparaíso/Viña del Mar, Chile

Valparaíso and Viña del Mar are coastal sister cities 68 miles no...

See All 5 Programs
The Palestinian Center - Go Palestine
9.58 reviews

The Palestinian Center - Go Palestine

Law Internship in Palestine - Intern at a Law Firm

The Lawyers in Palestine program allows participants to know, und...

Excellence Center in Europe
9.138 reviews

Excellence Center in Europe

Volunteer to Teach English & Study Arabic in Germany

The Volunteer to Teach English and Study Arabic in Germany progra...

Institute for Global Studies
9.673 reviews

Institute for Global Studies

Intern in Australia with World Internships

Through World Internships, we offer flexible customized internshi...

See All 4 Programs
Magister South Africa Programs for Students and Volunteers
94 reviews

Magister South Africa Programs for Students and Volunteers

International Internship/Volunteer Positions in Cape Town

Magister South Africa offers a broad range of internship and volu...

Eatl Tour Company
00 reviews

Eatl Tour Company

Volunteer in Tanzania

Eatl Tour offers a Volunteer package to all people around the wor...

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Informative and educational

by: Aroha Heta - New ZealandProgram: Law Internship in Palestine - Intern at a Law Firm

During my time as an intern, I had the chance to meet Palestinian attorneys who explained the legal system in Palestine, including the difficulties they face under Israeli occupation. I also had the chance to tour Hebron University and its Law College, where professors detailed the distinctive evolution of Palestinian law, from the Ottoman era to the regulations under the Palestinian Authority. The culture in Palestine is incredibly welcoming from the start. The locals are warm hearted and eager to assist. Personally, I believe Palestine is safer than many countries in Latin America. During my time in Hebron, I didn’t encounter any violence and felt more secure there than in Israel. I strongly encourage others to visit Palestine and participate in programs at the Palestinian center to truly grasp the experiences of the Palestinian people and connect with their remarkable culture.

A Guide to Legal Volunteering Abroad

Why Volunteer Abroad in Law

Those interested in studying law are typically interested in improving the lives of others through legal recourse; volunteering abroad then becomes a natural interest for many lawyers and law students. Volunteering abroad takes this leaning toward humanitarianism to the next level, since laws aren’t equally respected or well-established in every country around the world.

Those that volunteer abroad in law often come back more satisfied with their career choice and profoundly appreciative of their opportunities in life, as well as their legal education. Legal volunteering in an underserved nation will most certainly broaden your perspective of the field, the world, and the populations that need your legal help most. Without venturing outside the walls of your home nation, it can be easy to forget the importance and power that law has on your life, and therefore you may not realize the ability you have to change lives for the better abroad.

Lastly, the most practical reason to volunteer abroad in law is the valuable experience you are sure to gain. If you are applying to law schools, legal volunteering experience will be a huge selling point, and if you are already a practicing lawyer, volunteer experience will speak to your personal dedication to helping people, and may even be factored in when you are considered for promotions or professional advancement.

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