Ranger Course in Africa: Become a Field Guide Level 1
by: Natucate
Are you ready to embark on your ranger adventure and complete your Apprentice Field Guide training in 55 days? This former Field Guide Level 1 course offers expert guidance from seasoned leaders and covers essential basics of Southern Africa’s flora and fauna. The program emphasizes hands-on training in the wild, preparing you to conserve the African wilderness's beauty. You will master orientati...
Are you ready to embark on your ranger adventure and complete your Apprentice Field Guide training in 55 days? This former Field Guide Level 1 course offers expert guidance from seasoned leaders and covers essential basics of Southern Africa’s flora and fauna. The program emphasizes hands-on training in the wild, preparing you to conserve the African wilderness's beauty. You will master orientation and navigation techniques, including using constellations for positioning, handling a cross-country vehicle, and safely navigating rough terrain. You'll also gain skills in tracking, analyzing animal behavior, and identifying local wildlife and plant species. Experience nights under the stunning starry sky; gather around the campfire with fellow adventure seekers; and create unforgettable memo...
Program Highlights
Live and learn in the midst of Southern Africa’s wilderness for 55 days.
Acquire valuable field guide knowledge, instructed by experienced course leaders.
Discover the untouched flora and fauna on daily game walks and drives.
Spend nights in the bush, beneath the breathtaking starry sky.
Receive an official FGASA certificate at the end of the course.
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Quick Details
- Tuli block, Botswana
- Kruger Park, South Africa
- Throughout the Year
- Conservation & Preservation
- Travel & Tourism
- Zoology & Wildlife Sciences
- All Nationalities
Program Reviews
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Bester Reiseanbieter
by: Denise Olbrich - GermanyProgram: Ranger Course in Africa: Become a Field Guide Level 1Ich bin bereits das dritte Mal mit Natucate unterwegs und kann diesen Reiseanbieter von ganzem Herzen weiterempfehlen. Ich habe beide meiner Guidekurse in Südafrika über Natucate gebucht und würde es jedem ans Herz legen, dies auch zu tun. Man wird einfach optimal auf die Kursinhalte und die gesamte Reise vorbereitet. Durch seine jahrelange Erfahrung mit Ecotraining und der gesamten Industrie hat Daniel Insights, die mir vollstes Vertrauen in ihn und das ganze Natucate Team geben. Diesen Sommer bin ich mit Natucate auf die Private Wilderness Experience im Okavango Delta gefahren und es war großartig. Die Guides, die Umgebung und die Gruppe haben perfekt miteinander harmoniert. Ich komme definitiv wieder! Die Kommination vor, während und nach der Reise läuft jedes Mal schnell, unkompliziert und individuell ab. Kein Massentourismus. Natucate zeigt aufrichtiges Interesse an Ihren Kunden und deren individuellen Bedürfnissen. Ich fühle mich zu jederzeit verstanden und gesehen. Vielen Dank an Daniel und das gesamte Natucate Team für die unvergesslichen Momente auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent.
Abenteuer in Südafrika
by: Martina Baumeler - SwitzerlandProgram: Ranger Course in Africa: Become a Field Guide Level 1Ich habe den Field Guide Level 1 Kurs in Südafrika über Natucate gebucht. Daniel und sein Team waren von Anfang an äusserst hilfsbereit und professionell. Durch die tolle Unterstützung wurde ich sehr gut auf meine Zeit in Südafrika vorbereitet. Auch während dem Kurs war Natucate immer zur Stelle, um alle meine Fragen zu beantworten. Daniel ist uns sogar während dem Kurs in Südafrika besuchen gekommen, Es war richtig toll ihn persönlich kennenzulernen. Insgesamt war die Zeit im Busch einfach fantastisch! Zwei Monate lang umgeben zu sein von wunderschöner Natur, atemberaubender Tierwelt und liebenswürdigen Menschen aus der ganzen Welt war unbeschreiblich schön, Es war super spannend jeden Tag viele neue Dinge über Tiere, Pflanzen, Geologie, Astronomie etc. zu lernen. Dank Natucate hatte ich ein einzigartiges und unvergessliches Abenteuer. Ich kann Natucate von ganzem Herzen weiterempfehlen.
Life changing experience!
by: AntoniaProgram: Ranger Course in Africa: Become a Field Guide Level 1While I was sitting in the middle of a breeding herd of elephants, I looked back on the past two incredible months. As an 18-year-old, I wanted to get to know a new country and learn more about the bush – that was the plan for my gap year! I was nervous at the arrival, but our group had the night at the guest house in Johannesburg and the drive to the camp the next day to get to know one another. By then I would never have guessed how close we became during the course; the nationalities, ages and life experiences were all so different, but we are all like-minded people on a course we chose, as I suppose many people would be. Greeted by Andreas, our first instructor, followed closely by our first camp coordinator, Yosta, everything began to fall into place and I started feeling comfortable. Our experience Our daily schedule of walks, drives, lectures and duty become the daily routine. The lectures became more detailed while the tests on the calendar kept coming closer. The theory was tough, but incredibly interesting and during the drives and walks we had some incredibly unique experiences. Some of the highlights include walking around lion, driving with elephant, several close leopards and the general beauty of the landscape. While the elephants have passed I realize the large scale of the amount we had seen, experienced and learnt. Alan, our last instructor, summed it all up: “You cannot describe that experience in words, so let’s not”. That's why I say I cannot effectively summarise these incredible two months, but I can urge you to take a chance at a life-changing experience. (Antonia, 19 years, 55 Days)

Program Details
Learn all the nitty gritty details you need to know
- Tuli block, Botswana
- Kruger Park, South Africa
Types and Subjects
- Adventure Types
- Camping
- Eco Tours
- Ecology
Years Offered: Year Round
- Post High School
- During College
- After College
Age Requirement
Age Requirement Varies
- All Nationalities
Cost per week
Program Cost Includes
- Some Equipment
- Pre-Departure Orientation
- Training
- Accommodation / Housing for Program Duration
Accommodation Options
- Group living
- Other
Qualifications & Experience
- English
Language Skills Required
- Any/All Education Levels Accepted
Accepted Education Levels
Application Procedures
- Physical Exam/Health Records
- Written Application
- Phone/Video Interview
- Resume
Frequently Asked Questions
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