
Teaching Jobs in Senegal

When you step off the plane in Senegal’s capital of Dakar, you’ll likely meet someone who will tell you about teranga, or the welcoming nature of Senegal and its people. Senegal is the Western-most country on the contiguous continent of Africa, and an ideal location since it’s a direct flight to both the United States and Europe. During your time in Senegal, you will likely be teaching students who are eager to learn, in hopes of opening up more opportunities for themselves in the future.

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A Guide to Teaching Abroad in Senegal


The two main cities with teaching opportunities in Senegal are Dakar and St. Louis. Both cities are on the Atlantic ocean, so if you choose one or the other, make sure to pack your swimwear!

Dakar is Senegal’s capital and an exciting urban destination, especially for individuals who want the adventure of teaching in Sub-Saharan Africa without sacrificing amenities like running water and electricity. Teachers can teach in Dakar by day, listen to great African music by night, and soak up the sunshine on Dakar’s beaches during the weekends. If you take a stroll along the Corniche, the main highway in the capital with sidewalks made for strolling, you’ll see men working out on the beach preparing for traditional wrestling competitions and locals enjoying “beachy” activities. Teaching opportunities are most prevalent at prestigious private schools or bilingual academies in Dakar. Most individuals who teach in Dakar teach English, K through 12 classes, or seek out private tutoring opportunities.

St. Louis was the capital of Senegal during colonial times and is a favorite getaway for expats and locals alike. Choicely located at the mouth of the Senegal river and the banks of the Atlantic Ocean, St. Louis boasts charming architecture and the chance to teach in Senegal in a smaller city, which still offers basic amenities. Home to the most well-known jazz festival in Africa, St. Louis also has a great nightlife. Opportunities to teach in St. Louis are most often available at private schools or the Gaston Berger University.  

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