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Village Primary School Teaching in Uganda

by: The Real Uganda

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The Real Uganda's volunteers assist our partners with a variety of classroom activities. Because local education is largely by rote, we want volunteers to feed these hungry little brains! Volunteers create interactive learning experiences and provide children with a loving and creative environment. Volunteers choose the age and topics to teach. Lesson plans are created based on student int...

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Program Highlights

Be intimately involved in early childhood development in Ugandan classrooms.

Bring encouragement, creativity and love to students aged 3 to 15.

Learn about the challenges of Uganda’s rural education system.

Spend your time with amazing kids, totally immersed in Ugandan culture and way of life.

Spend weekends exploring Uganda. Choose from zip-lining in a rain forest, white water rafting the Nile, wildlife safari, and primate tracking.

Quick Details

  • Mukono, Uganda
Year(s) Offered2019Duration:
  • 2-4 Weeks
  • 5-8 Weeks
  • 3-6 Months
Cost Per Week$100-300
Age Requirement:Varies
Types & Subjects:
  • Arts
  • Childcare & Children
  • Education
  • English Teaching
  • Orphans
  • See more
  • European
  • American
  • Canadian
  • Australian
  • South African
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Program Reviews

Hear what past participants have to say about the programs

Overall Rating


Total Reviews


A beautiful experience

by: Myrthe Potters - NetherlandsProgram: Village Primary School Teaching in Uganda

The six weeks I spend teaching and helping out at the school were amazing! Before coming to Uganda, I had never been to an African country. I wanted to see another country but also to immerse into another culture whilst helping others. This is exactly what I got. I was able to stay in a very small village, to eat the local food, and to experience the local life. Not all days were easy, but it was a very beautiful and fun time. The people at the village were very welcoming and friendly, and I never felt alone for one moment! The Real Uganda gave me a very warm welcome and helped me with anything throughout my stay. I felt very safe with them (as a young white woman travelling solo). They also helped me with any tourist trips I wanted to take. It was an experience I will never forget!

The real Africa

by: Marianne Pottila - FinlandProgram: Village Primary School Teaching in Uganda

I had never traveled in Africa before this. And I wanted to experience the real Africa not the tourist Africa. And it is what i got. It was very real. Living with a family in a small village, working in a local poor school is very eye opening and humbling. I got to eat local foods and experience their every day life. In school I saw and was part of their education. It was very modest but teachers were very welcomy and trying to education your minds to give them a better future with the little resources they had in use. The Real Uganda program was very well organized from applying, arriving, travelling during my volunteer stay and departure. I felt safe and well taken care of before, during and after. I was placed in Buikwe village which is very grass root small poor village middle of nowhere. I would say that only with The Real Uganda program is possible to experience something like this the authentic and real Africa. I was travelling a lot during my volunteer time so it was more than just work and I got to experience the country.

local children inside a classroom learning biologygroup of children studying

Real grassroots experience

by: Rachel Lyon - AustraliaProgram: Village Primary School Teaching in Uganda

The real Uganda went above and beyond to make this the best experience of my life. I felt as though I was fairly prepared for the life of Uganda. I had been places before where I didn’t lay eyes on a single other white person in a whole day. I had used outdoor drop toilets and eaten street food with my hands. What I wasn’t prepared for was these aspects magnified like never before. I’d go an entire week without seeing a white person. I’d have every single conversation for a whole school week in broken English. I’d have everything washed in water that would give me typhoid if it wasn’t cooked or dried properly. I felt like I was literally walking a tightrope daily. One wrong move, one wet plate, one mozzie bite and I could be ass up or on the next flight home. I could never properly explain how thrilling and frustrating and all round fucking bananas this whole experience was. No one will ever understand, even if you come, you’ll have your experience not mine. But heck. If you can, if you want to; if it even tickles your travelling pickle to come to Uganda. Do it. Don’t think twice. This is a place I’ll be coming back to regularly and a place ill never stop talking about. It’s a place you feel instantly at home while simultaneously feeling like a freak in a zoo. It’s the best thing I have ever done. My only regret is not coming sooner. Keep being rad Uganda you wild and wonderful thing. Until next time.

School kids who live at the school

Program Details

Learn all the nitty gritty details you need to know


  • Mukono, Uganda

Types and Subjects

  • Causes
  • Arts
  • Childcare & Children
  • Education


Years Offered: 2019

  • 2-4 Weeks
  • 5-8 Weeks
  • 3-6 Months

Age Requirement

Age Requirement Varies


  • European
  • American
  • Canadian
  • Australian

Cost per week


Accommodation Options

  • Home-stays

Qualifications & Experience

Any/All Education Levels Accepted

Application Procedures

  • Online Application
  • Essay


Read interviews from alumni or staff

Gigi Van de Voorde

Participated in 2006


I had been in Uganda in 2004 for a brief period, I wanted to do and see more in Uganda, and get to know the people more.

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Kristen Usher

Participated in 2014


Why did you decide to apply for a volunteer abroad program?

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Nandini Singh

Participated in 2016


As an undergraduate student studying public health, I have gained experience working with issues like poverty and its effects on health and education inside the United States. I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of these issues as I plan on pursuing a career in public health. I felt like volunteering abroad with a program that specifically dealt with these issues was one of the best ways to expand my understanding and community engagement experiences. I wanted the chance to implement the lessons I learned through my past work in my local communities in a way I had not been able to. I wanted to complete work alongside an NGO that would prove to be a fulfilling and eye-opening experience for me and, hopefully, a rewarding and engaging one for the people I would work with.

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