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VACorps offers superior internship placements in Cape Town, South Africa. We commit all of our energy to one purpose – helping our program participants to have a professionally and personally rewarding internship experience in Cape Town. This is why VACorps unfailingly receives good reviews from not only our participants, but also parents and university administrators. At the center of our partici...

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A great experience living overseas

by: Andrea de Jong - AustraliaProgram: VACorps Professional Internship Program

Interning in Cape Town was a fantastic way to experience living overseas and embrace a different environment. One of my favourite things about living in Cape Town was having so many exciting things to do at your doorstep. From hikes on Table Mountain, to exploring different markets and restaurants around town, there was always something new and interesting to do. The VAC weekly activities also made certain activities more accessible and created a fun group environment to share many of these experiences with and this was truly appreciated. I spent 2 months interning at a public health research organisation in Cape Town. The organisation was extremely welcoming and got me involved with a variety of aspects of their organisation. This enabled me to gain valuable knowledge and skills that I can now apply to other internship and work opportunities in the future. Finally, the VAC staff were super friendly and always willing to help out with any issues that arose to make our stay in Cape Town as stress-free as possible. I would definitely recommend interning in Cape Town to anyone whose up for a fun adventure in a unique city.

A Journey of Self-Discovery, Connection, and Unforgettable Experiences in Cape Town

by: Aidan Lawrence - United StatesProgram: VACorps Professional Internship Program

During my process of finalizing and applying for an internship, Cape Town was always at the top of my list. I had many friends and family that have traveled and studied abroad around the world, but South Africa stood out to me. I knew very little about the intricate details of the country’s history, only the big headlines that are synonymous when South Africa is talked about. I saw this as an opportunity to not only pursue a passion of mine with travel and exploration but as an opportunity to engulf myself in a new world so to speak. This exposure allowed me to reflect and learn about myself and what drives me. The realizations were quick as Cape Town and the people I met immediately brought the best out of me and cracked the shy shell that I find myself in too often. Although I had a pretty good hunch, my love for traveling and learning about new locations and people was reinforced. Even after 3 months being away from home, my experiences here have made me eager to stay and even more to explore more of the massive, endless world around us. This may have been what I loved the most about my time in Cape Town. I could also, without hesitation, call something else what I loved the most about my time in Cape Town; the friends I made. Both through VAC and through my internship site, who drastically changed and improved my experience, making the transition to living in an entirely new place that much smoother. My internship site was truly a dream come true, seemingly one of many that occurred during my trip. The Two Oceans Aquarium welcomed me immediately and never failed to make me feel a part of the aquarium team. I was given the opportunity to do more than I expected and take part in many firsts that I will never forget as I continue on this path working with animals. They prepared me immensely well for my, quickly upcoming, search for work in the animal field as I look beyond university and graduation. Overall, my time in Cape Town has been truly amazing, and even still I feel those words don’t do my experiences justice. I would recommend anybody come to Cape Town and even more so do it as a part of VACorps as they embraced us immediately and showered us with new trademark experiences that would leave us all regretful had we not taken part in them. During my entire time in Cape Town, I have been struggling to find a sentence or a quick phrase that sums up how I feel about this place and the people I’ve met and it seems to me that there is too much to encapsulate in a single sentence. This experience has changed me in ways I may not even realize yet and I hope that others can return home from Cape Town with a notion that the same happened, whether it’s good or bad, just that it happened.

An incredible experience with VAC!

by: Brian Trumbore - United StatesProgram: VACorps Professional Internship Program

My experience in Cape Town has been incredible. I have seen incredible landscapes and animals I was not aware existed. I have learned how to surf, make new friends, and embrace every moment of the day. I have tried new foods and found many new activities that I love. The Friday excursions have been one of my favorite parts of this experience. We are always traveling to some exciting new place. My Internship has also been amazing. I have learned much about my future profession and what I will be expected to do. It has encouraged me to study hard in school and get this job. Everyone has been super nice and supportive in my workplace, and they are always happy to answer questions.

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Read interviews from alumni or staff

Rob Weidner

Participated in 2012


I knew that I wanted to take time off of school and work in the film industry. While I was at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, I mostly studied computer science with the occasional studio art courses. Although I enjoy computer science, my true passion was and is getting out into the world and seeing life through a camera lens.

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Leah Kaylor

Participated in 2014


I actually found VACorps because an ad came up on my Facebook newsfeed. I honestly thought it was way too good to be true and almost passed it up thinking it was some type of Internet scam. But my curiosity got the better of me (I’m glad it did) and I clicked on the link. I was immediately taken to a webpage showing me all the amazing internships and activities VACorps had to offer. I was hooked! I scoured the entire website reading everything about the company. Soon after, I found myself emailing VACorps to start finding my dream internship.

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Oliver Hagan

Interviewed in 2015


What inspired you to travel abroad?

In 2005, I graduated from the University of Oregon and decided to take a break from academia before applying to law school. I packed my bags with the intention of traveling abroad while working as a PADI SCUBA instructor. I was on the verge of booking a flight to Grand Cayman when Sean Walpole, one of my good friends from my study abroad experience at the University of Cape Town, convinced me to return to Cape Town and work at a dive shop he had just opened. I booked a flight to South Africa with the expectation that I would only stay for three months.

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