Teaching Jobs in Surat Thani, Thailand
The largest province in southern Thailand, Surat Thani was once a capital of the tenth century Indonesian Srivijayan Empire, and it now covers one of most visited islands and national park areas in the entire country. A progressive city with a laid back atmosphere, Surat Thani continues to attract international teachers as it becomes an increasingly beneficial city to start a career teaching abroad. English teaching jobs in Surat Thani are becoming especially sought after, as the city gains notoriety.

1 Teaching Jobs in Surat Thani

Asian College of Teachers
TEFL Hybrid - 80 Hrs Online course + 5 days orientation
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A Guide to Teaching Abroad in Surat Thani
Teaching Jobs in Surat Thani
Surat Thani is the gateway to Southern Thailand and serves as a commercial and transportation hub. The name Surat Thani literally means “City of Good People”, making it an even more attractive place to teach abroad in Thailand.
Most teaching jobs in Surat Thani are offered at either public, private, or international schools. Outside of traditional education settings, there are also many language schools in Surat Thani that seek out international teachers to instruct both individual or group language lessons for a variety of students. Private language lessons are also a great way for teachers to make a secondary income while teaching in Surat Thani.
The majority of teaching jobs in Surat Thani are centered on English language instruction, however there are occasionally opportunities to teach other subjects. Most schools in Thailand use Thai as the official language of instruction, which means that it will be beneficial for all foreign teachers, even those who obtain English teaching jobs in Surat Thani, to take basic Thai language lessons. Learning basic phrases and keywords will not only help teachers better manage their own classrooms and promote learning among their students, Thai language skills will also be very useful in day to day interactions.
Those who hold teaching certifications, like TEFL or TESOL certificates, will likely be eligible for a larger number of English teaching jobs in Surat Thani. However, even teachers with a moderate amount of teaching experience should be able to obtain teaching jobs in Surat Thani without too much difficulty.
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