
Teaching Jobs in Azul, Argentina

Maximo Nivel graduates

Featured Provider of the Month

Award Winning TEFL Certification with Job Placement Guarantee

2 Teaching Jobs in Azul

International TEFL Academy
8.52 reviews

International TEFL Academy

Get Paid to Teach Abroad with a TEFL Certification from ITA

English teaching jobs abroad are a fantastic way to live overseas...

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I earned my TEFL certification in 2022. After hard years brought onto the world during the pandemic, I had the opportunity to look deeply at my life and how I wanted to live it. One of the primary desires that continued to pop up was my want to live abroad. I have always wanted to learn about cultures in a more meaningful way than visiting an area for a handful of weeks and leaving it as soon as I gained my footing. I wanted to be immersed in it so thoroughly that I genuinely could say I knew the place well. Signing up with International TEFL Academy has been the best decision I have made in my adult life. ITA provides the tools and networks needed to move abroad successfully. Through ITA, I was able to connect to other like-minded individuals determined to live out their dreams as well. Their Facebook groups and class discussions were great places to link and prepare to move abroad. My favorite part of ITA's online TEFL certification was the thoroughness of lesson planning and gaining tools to teach students effectively. I lead classes with confidence because of how much I learned through ITA. As much as this is an opportunity to grow through experience, it is also a way to help others reach their language goals, and ITA was a great stepping stone to earning my teaching job.

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