SIT Study Abroad
Why choose SIT Study Abroad?
SIT Study Abroad offers semester and summer undergraduate programs in Africa, Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, and the Middle East. Programs tackle the complexities of critical issues, including global health, sustainable development, human rights, peace-building, and biodiversity, in specific cultural and geographical contexts or comparatively across different countries. Students gain...
SIT Study Abroad offers semester and summer undergraduate programs in Africa, Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, and the Middle East. Programs tackle the complexities of critical issues, including global health, sustainable development, human rights, peace-building, and biodiversity, in specific cultural and geographical contexts or comparatively across different countries. Students gain access to a wide range of experts relevant to the issues being examined. Learning goes beyond the classroom. In our programs, host communities, field stations, non-government organization headquarters, health clinics, art studios, and ecological sites become the classrooms. Students not only acquire a holistic and multifaceted grounding in the issues being examined, they get direct, field-based e...
SIT Study Abroad Reviews
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A Life Changing Experience in South Africa
by: Neha Srikanth - United StatesProgram: SIT Study Abroad: South Africa: Intl. Relations in the GSI cannot recommend a study abroad program in South Africa enough especially in a location like Durban in KwaZulu Natal. Durban’s rich history and evolution of the city provides an environment which is incredibly fertile with knowledge and significance. I saw the opportunity of traveling to South Africa as both an academic and personal challenge. Starting in Johannesburg, moving to Durban (our home base) and ending our semester in Cape Town, I enjoyed getting a brief glimpse into different areas of South Africa. I quickly became acquainted and aware of the country's history of struggle and liberation movements that led to apartheid ending through conversations I had with activists as well as the many museum visits the program entails. South African people are very funny and the Bolt adventures enroute to different places were when I met some of the most entertaining people. Durban’s location on the coast allowed easy access to the beach and shops near the beach. While it did get very humid towards the end of the semester, the weather was nice for most of the program which I enjoyed. Additionally, with visits to the US Embassy in Mozambique, public policy think tanks and engaging lectures, I became informed on South-South Relations through these experiences and understood South Africa's position on the global stage from a non-western perspective. The home stays were extremely rewarding and enlightening, especially the rural homestay, where we became exposed to life that was separate from the connectivity and hustle, we are used to. I loved this homestay so much and wished it had been longer. Homestays were some of my favorite experiences on the program because I truly understood how different families operate based on their circumstances and differing values. I cannot overstate how good the support from program staff was through emotional, logistical, and academic challenges. They took care of us and our academic director and program manager made themselves available to talk about different curiosities and problems we had. We were informed by them of book launches, historical talks, and other events we could attend on our own time, some which I took advantage of. The ISP portion of the semester was by far the most stressful and the most academically rewarding experience of the program. I chose to research a former female activist and combatant within the underground armed wing of the African National Congress. This project took me to different parts of KwaZulu Natal, where I was able to meet prominent activists and learn from them firsthand, what it meant to make history and hear about their relations to my subject. I cannot recommend this program enough and all of the amazing memories that I gained because of the choice to go to South Africa. The cohort I traveled with will remain lifelong connections and friends, and I will always remember the kindness I received from South Africans I became close with.

Well organized and memorable program
by: Elsie Dank - United StatesProgram: SIT Study Abroad: Argentina: Public Health in Urban Envr.I did this program in Fall 2022 and still think of it often. I am now living in a Spanish speaking country and feel grateful more than anything for the way the program structure fostered my language abilities — the homestay structure and all-Spanish classes were a perfect way to push my language learning without being overwhelming, because I was not thrown into Spanish-speaking academic or social situations without support. The program administrators were also a highlight — they are so passionate and caring and you get to know them so well, which makes the experience way better. The traveling classes were also fantastic — so great to be able to experience different parts of the diverse country with expert guidance and through the lens of an interesting academic topic. It was perfect because our academic schedule didn’t allow for too much personal travel (until the independent period in the third month, when we had time) but I didn’t feel the need for any additional travel, because we spent a total of about 2-3 weeks traveling as a group, and Buenos Aires is such an incredible city that we never nearly ran out of things to do there on the weekends. It’s hard to really remember any complaints I had about the program now, but the one warning I will give is that for people who already study public health, the social determinants of health class was pretty basic. I loved the policies class because it was all new information about Argentina, as well as the independent study project, however. I recommend this program for people who are looking for real language improvement and interesting academic travel, and would not recommend it if you’re hoping for a lot of independent travel or a social living situation with other students.
Hugely impactful
by: Miles Scherer - United StatesProgram: SIT Study Abroad: Tanzania: Zanzibar Coastal EcologyThis program has left me with amazing relationships and memories I will cherish forever. The program was incredibly impactful in my academic and personal life. After returning to my home country, the USA, I feel a profound connection to a country and set of people outside my original circle.
SIT Study Abroad Programs
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In Argentina: Public Health in Urban Environments, examine urban epidemiology and the challenges and inequities in public health policy in Buenos...

On Argentina: Social Movements and Human Rights, study social movements in a country internationally renowned for its innovation and protagonism ...

On Panama: Tropical Ecology, Marine Ecosystems, and Biodiversity Conservation, you'll explore rain forests, coral reefs, highland canopies, and c...

Explore how indigenous peoples in Peru are adapting and innovating to preserve their cultural values and shape their own future in the face of gl...

On Ecuador: Comparative Ecology and Conservation, explore tropical ecosystems, conduct biological fieldwork, and study conservation in one of the...

Learn about Tibetan and Himalayan politics and religion and the issues faced by communities in exile. The dynamics of Tibet and the Himalayas sp...
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Read interviews from alumni or staff

Joosje Grevers
Participated in 2015
Joosje is currently a student at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, where she is studying organization and management, Latin American studies, and Sp...

Joosje Grevers
Participated in 2015
I decided to apply to an international program so that I could gain a perspective totally different from what I had grown up with. The world is so vast and has limitless opportunities so I knew that I needed to dip my toe into this pool of opportunity. Gettysburg College, along with different schools across the nation, offer the incredible opportunity to go beyond your personal borders and live in a place that most people only dream of going to.

Sydney McSharry
Participated in 2016
Sydney McSharry is a high school senior at Harpeth Hall in Nashville, Tennessee. The SIT Study Abroad program was her first time traveling abroad. Syd...

Sydney McSharry
Participated in 2016
I have always loved traveling. Once I saw that this program was an option for me, there was no way I could pass it up. I had never been overseas before, and this was a chance to study a topic I'm passionate about. I knew that this would be an amazing and life changing experience that would be a crime to let go to waste.

Emma Fortmiller
Participated in 2016
Emma is a junior at the University of Redlands in Southern California, but she is originally from Portland, Oregon. Once her undergraduate degree is c...

Emma Fortmiller
Participated in 2016
I was inspired to go abroad because I was seeking a life-changing experience that would somehow enlighten me with new career aspirations. Naively enough, I was fully expecting that at some point in my time abroad the lightbulb above my head would light up and tell me what my path should be in life. While this didn't necessarily happen, I was hopeful nonetheless.
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