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Santa Reparata International School of Art (SRISA)

9.96 (25)5 Programs

Why choose Santa Reparata International School of Art (SRISA)?

Nestled in the heart of Florence, Italy, Santa Reparata International School of Art (SRISA) offers an exceptional opportunity for aspiring artists and designers. Established over 50 years ago, this non-profit American institution is renowned for its immersive learning environment and commitment to personalized instruction. SRISA's diverse study abroad programs cater to various interests, encomp...

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Santa Reparata International School of Art (SRISA) Reviews

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Staff was amazing, Florence was amazing, I took friendships and lessons away that I will always cherish and remember. My professors, Martina and Yuko. The best ladies and so wonderful and caring. I also really enjoyed their classes, Exploring Florence and Jewelry.

I would definitely return to SRISA

by: Aryn FriedmanProgram: SRISA Accredited Summer: Fine Arts, Liberal Arts & Design

I would definitely return to SRISA if given the opportunity! Not only do I LOVE Florence, but the courses and staff have made this experience so worthwhile! I think that SRISA provides the perfect balance for heir students of learning and exploring the city around them! The most memorable experience/course at SRISA was my Discovering Florence course with Angelo! Angelo puts forth 110% effort in making his classes amazing for his students, and provides all of us with really cool experiences to enhance our semester studying abroad. I learned and have found myself to be much more independent than I was when I first came to Florence! The encouragement from SRISA's staff to step out of our comfort zones and explore the city around us for sure allowed me to branch out and not take a moment for granted! I have really enjoyed my semester at SRISA and will miss Florence a TON! I am so grateful that I have had this experience, and I will ALWAYS be jealous of future SRISA students and anybody that gets to spend substantial time in the best city in the world!

I enjoyed the program, the course, and the instructors as a whole!

by: Mirra SchultzProgram: SRISA Accredited Summer: Fine Arts, Liberal Arts & Design

I don’t know if I have a single one experience that stood out. I enjoyed the program, the course, and the instructors as a whole! Thank you for such an amazing semester! SRISA truly made my time abroad in Florence so incredibly and memorable.

Santa Reparata International School of Art (SRISA) Programs

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