Rainbow Garden Village
Why choose Rainbow Garden Village?
The Rainbow Garden Village is a program provider located in Munch, Germany, that offers volunteer opportunities worldwide, providing a sustainable and inclusive way of living. They are committed to minimizing its environmental impact by implementing eco-friendly practices like energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy sources, and sustainable landscaping. Rainbow Garden Village values divers...
The Rainbow Garden Village is a program provider located in Munch, Germany, that offers volunteer opportunities worldwide, providing a sustainable and inclusive way of living. They are committed to minimizing its environmental impact by implementing eco-friendly practices like energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy sources, and sustainable landscaping. Rainbow Garden Village values diversity and encourages people from all backgrounds to participate in activities celebrating their traditions and customs. Residents can actively contribute to the community through committees, volunteering, and events. Amenities like fitness facilities, outdoor recreation areas, and walking trails are available to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle, with regular health and wellness events held t...
Rainbow Garden Village Reviews
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My Experience with Rainbow Garden Village in South Africa
by: Leonie Schütt - GermanyProgram: Big Five Volunteer in South AfricaI had a awesome time in this wildlife Program with Rainbow Garden Village (RGV). Before my Travel i was participating in a RGV Volunteer Seminar, which helped me a lot with my preparations and prevented me also from unexpected experiences on site. My Questions that i had, i does not matter if by mail or phone, was answered by RGV to my satisfaction and i felt well prepared. The Wildlife Program on site was just awesome as i was part of the ranger team. I learned much about wild african aninmals and their behaviors and could also join a university study program. The work is a bit physical and exhausting, but this is what i wanted to experience.
Volunteering in South Africa
by: Gareth Hanson - GermanyProgram: Big Five Volunteer in South AfricaSo eine schlechte Erfahrung. RGV hilft dir bei nichts. Das erste was mich nach dem Kauf stutzig gemacht hat, ist das ich bis ich dort ankam nicht wusste wo ich genau wohnen werde. Auch nicht wo das Projekt genau ist. Natürlich logisch weil RGV dadurch ja ihr Geld bekommt. Ich würde immer erst bei Google gucken ob dieses Projekt nicht ihre eigene Webseite hat wo man sich zur freiwilligen Arbeit anmelden kann. Sie zahlen der Organisation einen exorbitanten Geldbetrag, nichts davon geht an die Projekte, bei der Sie sich freiwillig engagieren werden. Für die Verpflegung müssen Sie auch selbst aufkommen. Sie helfen dir mit nichts, sobald du im Land bist. Wenn Sie Ihr Visum verlängern oder Ihre schreckliche Unterkunft ändern möchten, müssen Sie das alles selbst tun, weil sie Ihnen bei nichts helfen. Nach der bezahlten Zeit habe ich beschlossen direkt beim Projekt nachzufragen. Zudem stand online, dass ich dass Verpflegung mit inbegriffen ist. Was es nicht war als Entschädigung habe ich für 3 Monate 100€ zurück bekommen. Ich würde keinem Empfehlen mit RGV freiwilligen Arbeit zu machen. Es ist eine große Abzocke.
My time as a Volunteer in a kindergarden
by: LuisaProgram: Kindergarten and Childcare Assistant in South AfricaMy two months as a volunteer in Cape Town (anonymous, 2018) To get away from school and the daily routine in Germany after graduating from high school, I decided to go to Cape Town in South Africa for two months and do volunteer work in a kindergarten. This was probably one of the best decisions I have made so far. My work in the kindergarten The journey in the kindergarten was a new adventure every day - we took a minibus even if it was only five to ten minutes away. At the kindergarten itself, I was welcomed very warmly. We were four volunteers there and divided into the four different groups. I was with the three year olds and within a week I had bonded with all of them. We played with the children, took care of them, fed them, and kept them quiet during their nap time. With so many wonderful children, it was never boring. We were also allowed to eternalize ourselves on the wall with an artistic project which we did with the children. Everyday life and free time in Cape Town I worked in the kindergarten from Monday to Friday from 8-14:30, which gave me enough time for activities in the afternoons. I stayed in the Student House with 22 other girls, so it was never boring and I was never alone. There was always someone who wanted to explore and there were endless things to see and do in Cape Town and the surrounding area. As a result, we always used the weekends for day trips or road trips. During my time in Cape Town, the water shortage was at its peak (Water restriction level 6b), which probably sounds worse than it really is. You get used to it very quickly, so at some point you can't imagine it any other way and of course you learn to appreciate water more. My conclusion I will never forget the time in Cape Town. All the kids and teachers from kindergarten, all the people I met there, everything I experienced and did there will always be a part of me. I will definitely come back!
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