NEXSTEP (Next Step Connections)
Why choose NEXSTEP (Next Step Connections)?
Next Step Connections offers real-world experiences across Asia for students since 2008. Our educational experiences are designed to provide all students with the skills they need to succeed in the modern workforce. We are committed to empower future leaders to meet future challenges, and reach their full potential through transformative career-building experiences in Asia. Our programs are be...
Next Step Connections offers real-world experiences across Asia for students since 2008. Our educational experiences are designed to provide all students with the skills they need to succeed in the modern workforce. We are committed to empower future leaders to meet future challenges, and reach their full potential through transformative career-building experiences in Asia. Our programs are best suited for students and young professionals looking to travel the world to build their skills in real work environments with an open heart to new experiences – those in search of diversity, community, and purpose. We are experts in customised internships, study abroad, career starter programs, learning expeditions across Asia. From Hong Kong to Shanghai to Tokyo to Seoul to Bangkok to Singap...
NEXSTEP (Next Step Connections) Reviews
Hear what past participants have to say about the programs
Overall Rating
Total Reviews
The most invaluable experience towards your career
by: Liam Salangsang - AustraliaProgram: NSC Global Student Internship - Bangkok, ThailandPersonally loved the experience I was able to receive from the company I was placed in. NextStep has excellent connections and I was able to merge myself into the company with ease. It was a smooth transition because of the guidance I was able to have from NextStep but they were able to put their trust in me that I’m more than capable of being independent and travelling in a new place. I loved how I was able to travel to work everyday knowing I’m surrounded by friends and teachers who’d show me what it is like in the industry as well as teach me new and important skills I will use in the future
Life Changing
by: Katie Creglow - United StatesProgram: NSC Global Student Internship - Bangkok, ThailandMy time as an intern in Thailand with NextStep was one of the more life changing experiences I’ve had. NextStep did a fantastic job helping me with placement and making sure I was having an enriching experience while I was there. I can’t recommend doing an international internship enough because not only did I learn professional skills, I learned a lot about myself and my worldviews.
by: Jamila Chen - New ZealandProgram: NSC Asia Internship Program - Hong KongI received the most specialised and catered service by NEXSTEP, and I truly feel that the NEXT STEP in my life has been made so much clearer. BIG shout out to Aaron Clark who has helped refine my dream and walk me through the steps! My head is full of positivity and logic, and my heart is full of gratitude.
NEXSTEP (Next Step Connections) Programs
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Next Step Connections pioneered virtual internships in 2017. As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, experiencing a virtual internship...
This program fits students, fresh graduates or young professionals looking to complete internship projects in a growing country in South East Asi...
Choosing to do an internship in Hong Kong, a city with a dense living environment of over 7 million inhabitants, also known as the World’s Most V...
Unlock your potential and create your dream career with an internship in Shanghai: the “Paris of the East”. Our China internship program has been...
Experience History and modernism in the World’s most popular tourist destination. With a total number of 55 million Japanese and international...
Since its early days as a fishing town, Singapore has come a long way to become one of the richest city in the world and a shining beacon of ligh...
Read interviews from alumni or staff

Zachary Herzog
Participated in 2014
Zachary is a Business Management major from the University of Northern Colorado. He has worked in his University’s study abroad office for the past tw...

Zachary Herzog
Participated in 2014
After studying abroad my sophomore year I found that I really enjoyed travel and working in a multicultural environment. I wanted to add a second international experience to my undergrad degree, and as I researched programs, an international internship seemed like the next level.

Jasmine Ching
Interviewed in 2018
Jasmine grew up in a family full of travel enthusiasts, allowing her to be exposed to many places and experiences at an early age. Her travels have im...

Jasmine Ching
Interviewed in 2018
What inspired you to travel abroad?
How did you get connected to Next Step Connections?

Jacky Mo
Interviewed in 2018
Jacky was born and raised in Hong Kong. He started going to school in the United States when he was 11 years old. Jacky graduated with a Bachelor’s de...

Jacky Mo
Interviewed in 2018
What inspired you to travel abroad?
What inspired you to join the Next Step Connections team?
Check out awards and recognitions NEXSTEP (Next Step Connections) has received