
Maynooth University, Ireland

0 (0)2 Programs

Why choose Maynooth University, Ireland?

Maynooth University is a modern, dynamic, research-led institution grounded in 200 years of scholarship. The University is located in the historic town of Maynooth, 25 km from Dublin, Ireland’s cosmopolitan city. The campus combines the peaceful and historic beauty of impressive eighteenth-century buildings with state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities. Maynooth University offers a divers...

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Maynooth University, Ireland Programs

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Study Abroad at Maynooth University in Ireland

Ireland is increasingly favored among students worldwide, and Maynooth University, situated in Ireland's only university town, offers an excellen...

00 reviews
BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science with Education

The BSc Mathematics and Computer Science with Education at Maynooth University offers a unique and efficient pathway to becoming a second-level t...

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