
Loop Abroad

9.85 (786)Verified59 Programs

Why choose Loop Abroad?

Started in 2009 with nine students and one elephant in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Loop Abroad now welcomes hundreds of students over dozens of programs with an uncompromising focus on supporting animals in need and partnering only with ethical, local organizations with strong reputations in the animal conservation community-at-large. We are a student travel organization that began with a singular fo...

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Loop Abroad Reviews

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A Semester to Remember!!

by: Allison Harikkala - United StatesProgram: Veterinary Semester Abroad: 14 Weeks Throughout Thailand

Studying abroad in Thailand on the veterinary science semester was one of the best decisions that I have made in my life and one that I would easily make over again if it was offered to me. From the moment I arrived in the country to the day the program ended, the staff on site were incredibly welcoming and supportive. Our first week was spent familiarizing ourselves with the home-base city, language, culture, and religion before we started on the veterinary medicine side of learning. We started with an intro level companion animal science course, which was beneficial to bring everyone up to the same level in terms of skills/knowledge before starting the more complex coursework with the other species. From there, we had quite the busy schedule over the remaining 10 weeks while working with elephants, sea turtles, zoo animals, reptiles, and scuba diving. Each course was held in a different part of the country so we would frequently have Saturday free with traveling on either Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. I enjoy staying busy so this schedule worked well for me, but I could see it being too much for someone that prefers more downtime. All in all, I feel like this program is an amazing option for pre-vet college students, but it really is what each individual student makes of it. The more you pay attention, demonstrate skills, and offer yourself as a volunteer, the more opportunities that will be offered to you and the more hands-on experience that you will receive!

volunteer with elephant

So much good energy!

by: Stella SantosProgram: Thailand Vet Tech Program

My favorite part was getting to go on vet rounds at Elephant Nature Park to feed and help treat elephants because it's very unlikely I'll get to do that again! It's hard to choose just one staff who made my experience special. The entire team brought so much good energy & made this experience so much better. They were the perfect people for their roles!

I want another

by: Freddie HallProgram: Thailand College Pre-Vet Medicine

Being able to explore Thailand and its culture while pursuing my future career goals was truly life changing. I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from experienced veterinarians and classmates alongside me. I hope to experience another Loop Abroad program soon.

Loop Abroad Programs

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Read interviews from alumni or staff

Samantha T-H

Participated in 2016


My passion and dream of working with animals and my curiosity of traveling to a foreign country.

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Monica Lee

Participated in 2018


It has always been a dream of mine to go to Africa. I had heard about Loop Abroad and decided to look into it. When I saw that this trip was available, I was sold. I am so blessed to have had this amazing opportunity!

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Erica Ward

Interviewed in 2018


What inspired you to travel abroad?

What inspired you to work for Loop Abroad?

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Check out awards and recognitions Loop Abroad has received

Top Rated Program Volunteer Abroad in Thailand 2025
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