LanguBridge Education Centre
Why choose LanguBridge Education Centre?
Interested in traveling and learning an Asian language? Then explore the experience of studying abroad with LanguBridge. Join us on one of our popular Teen and Youth programs in Asia. Our 3-7 week summer programs have a combination of structured learning and wide spectrum of exciting activities and trips, plus an enriching homestay, or residential experience. Meet students from the coun...
Interested in traveling and learning an Asian language? Then explore the experience of studying abroad with LanguBridge. Join us on one of our popular Teen and Youth programs in Asia. Our 3-7 week summer programs have a combination of structured learning and wide spectrum of exciting activities and trips, plus an enriching homestay, or residential experience. Meet students from the countries around the world. Come with your sincere interest in other languages , you will discover new cultures, make new friends and return with spiritual rewards.
LanguBridge Education Centre Reviews
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My daughter had an amazing experience
by: Lara Strong - United StatesProgram: Summer Korean Immersion Program at SeoulI was somewhat nervous sending my daughter on a Langubridge program because we didn't know anything about the program other than what we found on the website. We eventually found their facebook page and were reassured that it was a legitimate program. I was impressed right from the start by how organized langubridge was, and generally my questions were answered before I had a chance to ask them. He pick up at the airport in Korea went seamlessly. She was set up with a wonderful family who welcomed her into their home, were eager to talk to her and help her out and show her many sides of Korea. Langubridge also had a wonderful, varied program that involved cooking, a fish farm, taekwondo, k-pop dancing and a theatre performance among others. My daughter also made a lot of great friends who shared her love of languages, travel and Korean culture (A year later and she is still in touch with these friends and with her Korean family). She found Seoul to be a safe city that was a lot of fun to explore. The language program was also excellent and my daughter's Korean language skills improved dramatically because of all the opportunities to practice. I highly recommend this to anyone with an interest in Korea, and don't worry if you're not sure you have knack for languages. You'll be fine!
An Eye-Opening Summer Experience!
by: Desiree Sng - SingaporeProgram: Summer Korean Immersion Program at SeoulSince this is my first time traveling alone and going to a foreign country without my family, I was extremely nervous about going on this summer program. But in the end, I had nothing to worry about! And if I had the chance, I would do this all again. Once I stepped into Korea, I was immediately greeted by my host family. They were extremely nice and knew some English as well, which was helpful for me. Their home was very cozy and convenient to a lot of beautiful places around Seoul! Before language school started, the host family would bring my roommate and me to famous sightseeing places and take us out to eat delicious food! Fortunately, they also taught us how to ride the subway so that we knew how to go to school. I met very diverse and welcoming people of different ages and backgrounds in the program as well! As an international student who lives in China, it was refreshing to have people from various parts of the world coming together to experience this summer program. When everyone was divided into different classes (we took an orientation test to determine everyone's level of fluency in Korean), I bonded well with my classmates and our teacher, who was immensely patient and kind to us. Sometimes, our teacher would even give us Korean videos to watch to help us in our Korean! Lastly, what I found most eye-opening about this entire experience was the Korean culture and activities in the program and outside the program. If I listed out all the things I did in Seoul, it would probably be too overwhelming to read. Nonetheless, I am grateful that my experiences include a mix of Korean history and culture, food, shopping (which I don't usually do), and casual activities with friends (karaoke all the way!). I also find this program to be extremely flexible in allowing students to arrange their own time to do activities they want to do; in the 2019 schedule, we would have Sunday and another weekday to spend freely, whether that's by hanging out with our host family, friends from the program, going places by yourself (with safety as a priority), etc. Overall, if you're thinking about signing up for this program, I highly recommend you! Not only was this eye-opening for me in learning more about Korea, but also making new friends of different ages and nationalities as well as learning how to be independent in a foreign country with people who speak a different language! I can say that I have matured from this program and taken a different perspective of the world around me, so I hope you consider this program to be one way you can spend your summer!
Great experience!
by: Jasmine Kue - United StatesProgram: Summer Japanese Immersion ProgramMy time in Japan was the greatest time of my life. The application process was easy to understand and I had no difficulties of any sort during the program. The classes and material that we learned were helpful and fun. All of the teachers were so kind and energetic, they made the vocabulary and grammar very easy to understand. The activities/games we played during class were also very fun. Going out to get lunch with friends was always one of my favorite times of the day. There is a wide range of places to choose from to get meals, snacks, and drinks and they’re all easily accessible from the building. My host family were the absolute greatest. They taught me many things about Japanese culture. We bonded really well over the three weeks I stayed with them. The only minor complaint I have is that the field trips that we attended only lasted an hour or two. I wish that we could have had more time to explore the places we visited or the area. Also, during many of the field trips we were required to fill out vocabulary/grammar sheets and treasure map like sheets. Though they were informative and made us practice our Japanese skills, they were quite distracting. Instead of focusing on the places themselves we had to constantly keep looking for the answers. Overall, I had a wonderful time and made many memories with family and friends. This program has made a really big impact on my me. I now want to travel back to Japan and possible study abroad there in the future.
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Cassandra Staalenburg
Participated in 2017
Cassy Staalenburg is from Austin, Texas. She is currently a senior in high school, and has a job tutoring little children and grading papers. Cassy ha...

Cassandra Staalenburg
Participated in 2017
I was determined to go abroad because I wanted to educate myself on something more than I already knew. And Korean culture, from the music, TV, and food, all really interested me since it was introduced in the United States. I’m in love with the fashion, the morals, and respect they have over there in South Korea, and the entire experience itself.