Kids-English Thailand
Why choose Kids-English Thailand ?
Kids-English Thailand is a fully licensed organization based in Sukhothai, Thailand. Our dedicated and experienced multicultural team is on a mission to provide free employment and training opportunities for individuals eager to explore the beauty of Thailand while making a positive impact on the lives of its youth. With over 10 years of experience, we have become experts in navigating the com...
Kids-English Thailand is a fully licensed organization based in Sukhothai, Thailand. Our dedicated and experienced multicultural team is on a mission to provide free employment and training opportunities for individuals eager to explore the beauty of Thailand while making a positive impact on the lives of its youth. With over 10 years of experience, we have become experts in navigating the complex paperwork involved for foreigners wishing to work in Thailand, including obtaining visas, work permits, and teacher’s licenses. We partner with public and private kindergartens, elementary schools, and secondary schools located throughout Northern, Northeastern, and Central Thailand. Our role is to assist every step of the way in becoming a legal teacher in Thailand, and we continue to sup...
Kids-English Thailand Reviews
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Please do not miss this opportunity!
by: Niamh Brady - United KingdomProgram: Teach in Thailand | Meaningful Work & TravelIf I am honest, I don’t even know if I can do this experience or the agency justice with words but I will try. I have had the most incredible, humbling and life affirming time teaching in Thailand. It has been such a pleasure to watch my students progress in the English language, and simultaneously it has been beautiful to learn so much from them; perhaps most significantly the art of gratitude. I personally cannot speak highly enough of Matthew and the KET team- Matthew works tirelessly to ensure that we all feel supported and he always provides a safe place for venting, no matter how personal or even unrelated to teaching the issue may be. We had an amazing time at the orientation week and met some amazing people whom we have continued to meet and explore areas of Thailand together. The agency strive for the success of their teachers and are passionate about helping the children of Thailand widen their horizons. I will be eternally grateful for this experience, an experience that wouldn’t have been possible without Matt and the team.

Teaching and Learning in Lampang
by: Katherine Mack - United StatesProgram: Teach in Thailand | Meaningful Work & TravelOverall, my experience as a high school teacher has been very good. Although there were challenging moments, I wouldn't change the circumstances of my experience for any reason. After arriving in Thailand and spending a week in Bangkok getting used to the climate and the time difference, it was off to Sukhothai for a week of orientation and teacher training. Safe and comfortable accommodations were only a hundred feet or so down the street from Kid's English - Thailand's (KET's) lounge, classrooms and offices. There was so much to absorb, but I was in good company with other foreign teachers, and KET's patient, knowledgeable and friendly staff were there to help us get adjusted. We went to a nearby shopping center for foodstuffs and supplies, then were able to store them in the lounge/cafeteria. Within 6 days of training and orientation, we had instruction in Basic Thai language (learning numbers, greetings, foods, etc), Thai culture, lesson planning, creating a curriculum and associated classroom activities, use of classroom technology, and the principles and responsibilities of being a teacher. We also participated in a one-day English Camp program for a local grade school. The week of orientation also included an excursion into Old Sukhothai where we visited beautiful public parks and the ruins of an ancient temple. We also stopped by a beautiful small resort and cafe situated next to a scenic rice field and enjoyed soft drinks, teas and coffees. KET staff coordinated meals and cooked lunch for us on several occasions - a tasty introduction to Thai food. Finally, with orientation finished, off I went to Lampang, a small city in the North that I had never heard of prior to my arrival in Thailand, but definitely a place that has grown on me ever since I've been living there. When time came to go over the border to get non-B residence visas and work permits, KET staff members were helpful in resolving any issues that came up and answering any questions. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to paperwork. I always like to make sure that all i's are dotted and all t's are crossed. KET staff understood, and they were willing to help. The process of getting to understand my Thai co-teachers and colleagues, and fitting into the system at my school as I learned the daily ins and outs of being there, was a bit daunting and frustrating at times. There were admittedly days that were a bit stressful. But KET staff, particularly Mr. Matthew John, always made time for me so I could iron things out in my mind. It was those conversations about how Thai people see the world and how they order their society that helped me to understand those inevitable moments of 'culture clash'. He listened with a sympathetic ear, but he was also careful to help me understand how they see situations through their eyes. This is always the toughest part of actually being immersed in a culture in daily life. Visiting is one thing, but depending on the social and physical infrastructure, both great and not-so-great, is quite another. Overall, I am grateful for KET assisting me in beginning this new chapter of my life as a teacher in a foreign country. I can't believe that I am almost at the end of my first-year contract with KET. Fortunately, they have helped me find placement in another school in Phichit, Central Thailand. People will often tell you that it's just as easy to find a teaching position without a placement agency. But now that I have made the leap to teach in a foreign country, I would advise anyone to use an agency such as KET for at least the first year or two, and longer if needed. It is better to have backup from an agency in case situations arise at your school. You have a network of people to listen to and properly advise you. In conclusion, I would definitely suggest partnering with Kids' English - Thailand if you choose to teach in Thailand. They bring years of experience in education and teaching, social and cultural knowledge and invaluable support to their recruits. Kru Kathy
“Working Beyond Borders: Your Path to an International Career”
by: Lorence Mendoza - PhilippinesProgram: Teach in Thailand | Meaningful Work & TravelMany workplaces in Thailand emphasize a good work-life balance. The work culture tends to be less intense than in some Western countries, allowing for more personal time and relaxation.Cultural Differences: Understanding and adapting to Thai work culture can take time. Hierarchy is important, and there may be different expectations around communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution compared to what you might be used to.

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Devon Lang
Participated in 2023
Devon is from South Africa and was a former IT networking technician. He has a degree in Psychology and Education and is currently doing his Honours. ...

Devon Lang
Participated in 2023
My life was headed in a direction that was not going to end well for my mental health. So, I decided that a change not only of scenery but also my career path. I needed a break from the city and living in a smaller town. Teaching in Thailand is a great option to either have a great experience, "escape," or for a "fresh start." You choose which option is best for you.