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IES Abroad Quito – Area Studies & Language

by: IES Abroad

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Quito is home to over 1.8 million people and a UNESCO World Heritage Site just waiting to be explored! Programs begin in the fall and spring but students can stay the whole year. Students take 15 - 19 credit hours including a Spanish Language Course that uses IES innovative approach to language learning. There is a constant link between culture, environment, and language to create a deeper profici...

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Program Highlights

Language skills will improve dramatically with rigorous and engaging courses

Choose from a diverse list of courses that include unique classes like Ecuadorian History and Culture

Study alongside local university students at one of the prestigious partner universities: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLASCO) and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE)

Live in vibrant Quito, a modern city that is filled with colonial Spanish architecture

Explore Ecuador and its surrounding regions through IES Abroad field trips. Past trips include: Galapagos Islands, Camino del Sol, and the Amazon region

Quick Details

  • Quito, Ecuador
Year(s) OfferedYear RoundTerms Available:
  • Academic Year
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Throughout the Year
Age Requirement:Varies
Types & Subjects:
  • Anthropology
  • Art & Fine Arts
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Environmental Studies
  • See more
  • All Nationalities
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Program Reviews

Hear what past participants have to say about the programs

Overall Rating


Total Reviews


I would go again in a heartbeat!

by: Julianna Connelly - United StatesProgram: IES Abroad Quito – Area Studies & Language

Studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador, was the scariest, bravest and most adventurous experience of my life to date. Were there ups and downs? Of course, as there are to any situation. Yes, I felt scared to be a minority for the first time in my life as a Caucasian female in Latin America. Yes, it was difficult speaking almost entirely in a foreign language. But, amidst the nervous anxiety of living and studying in a foreign country, I was immersed in the acceptance and love exuding from my host family, friends and professors at IES. I felt safe and secure and incredibly brave. My days consisted of IES classes, my service-learning experience working with kids in an after-school program and horseback riding with my host brother and the other equestrian students. I came back from my semester abroad feeling confident in myself and in my Spanish-speaking abilities. I now claim fluency! Definitely a life-changing experience.

Group of people playing soccer at the park with the other IES Abroad students

I found my second home

by: Talia Adams - United StatesProgram: IES Abroad Quito – Area Studies & Language

My semester studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador was a life changing experience. I had no idea what to expect going into my trip but somehow it still managed to surpass all of my expectations. Never had I imagined that I would travel with such ease around the humbly small country and see all the history, the green, the ocean. I was pleased to find the balance between school work and free time was just right in order to get the full study abroad experience. I was able to take classes both at my study abroad center to form long lasting friendships with my fellow exchange buddies, but also get the experience of attending classes at Universidad San Fransisco de Quito to mingle real time with local students. I was ecstatic to have the opportunity to take all of my classes in Spanish, this being the reason I chose a South American country, along with living with a host family where English was not offered. This pushed me to accomplish the immersive semester that I wanted filled with endless practice and both language and life lessons that will stick with me. I was able to form an incredible bond with my host family and never doubted my welcome or felt a lack of comfort and love from them.I feel incredibly blessed to have formed life-long relationships, gain invaluable skills and experiences for my future, all while traveling the breath taking bio-diversity that Ecuador has to offer. Not only can I say that I have traveled to “La Mitad del Mundo” (the center of the earth), but within only Ecuador itself I was able to visit the Amazon, The Galapagos Islands, La Laguna de Quilotoa (a lagoon inside of a volcano), all around the city of Quito, and much more. I am already planning a trip back because I feel lucky to say that I have found a second home within Ecuador.

Una Immersion Cultural (A Cultural Immersion)

by: Rebecca Vogt - United StatesProgram: IES Abroad Quito – Area Studies & Language

My time studying in Ecuador was an enriching experience to say the least. I was able to grow personally, academically, professionally, as a world traveler, lifelong learner, and active member of today's society. I really appreciated the cultural immersion, in a culture that is much different than my own. I was able to do this through living with a host family, speaking as much Spanish as possible, and taking classes in another country. I had an amazing, life-changing experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Quito, the place I called home for five months.Hiking mountains in Ecuador'las vistas bonitas'

Program Details

Learn all the nitty gritty details you need to know


  • Quito, Ecuador

Types and Subjects

  • Subjects & Courses
  • Anthropology
  • Art & Fine Arts
  • Business


Years Offered: Year Round

Age Requirement

Age Requirement Varies


  • All Nationalities
  • This Program is also open to Solo

Program Cost Includes

  • Tuition & Fees
  • Accommodation / Housing for Program Duration
  • All Program Activity Costs

Accommodation Options

  • Home-stays

Qualifications & Experience

      Accepted Education Levels

    • Any/All Education Levels Accepted

    Application Procedures

    • Transcript
    • Online Application

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