
Public Health Degree Programs

Public health is a field which requires action all over the globe. From the inner cities of the United States to the villages of India, there are billions of people in the world who lack consistent access to basic treatment, education, and preventative healthcare. By earning your degree abroad in public health, you will be well on your way to making a change in the lives individuals in need all across the world.

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52 Public Health Degrees Programs Abroad

American University of Beirut
8.9450 reviews

American University of Beirut

Study Abroad at the American University of Beirut

The American University of Beirut has long been admired for the s...

Bournemouth University
94 reviews

Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University Postgraduate Degree Programmes

Bournemouth University is one of the UK’s leading modern universi...

TEAN by WorldStrides
00 reviews

TEAN by WorldStrides

TEAN - New Zealand - Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees

For those wanting to study abroad beyond a semester, TEAN can ass...

Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Brno
00 reviews

Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Brno

Master's in Applied Health Economics

Health economics is one of the most dynamic fields today, with th...

Deakin University
00 reviews

Deakin University

Study a Full Degree at Deakin University in Australia

Earn a degree at a top-ranked university while expanding your hor...

University of the West Indies Cave Hill
00 reviews

University of the West Indies Cave Hill

UWI Cave Hill Master in Public Health

The Master of Public Health at Cave Hill was developed in respons...

Mente Argentina
00 reviews

Mente Argentina

Mente Argentina: Master's & Graduate Degrees in Buenos Aires

Mente Argentina's Masters and Graduate Degrees Program may be the...

Tel Aviv University
8.5826 reviews

Tel Aviv University

Graduate Programs at The Lowy International School

Take the next step in your academic journey at The Lowy Internati...

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
00 reviews

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

DAAD Study Scholarship Awards

Study Scholarships are awarded to highly qualified graduating sen...

University of Massachusetts Amherst
00 reviews

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Bachelor Programs at University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass Amherst offers a diverse range of undergraduate programs de...

Asian University for Women
00 reviews

Asian University for Women

Bachelor's Degree Programs at Asian University for Women

At Asian University for Women, our Bachelor's Degree Abroad Progr...

00 reviews


Earn a Master's Degree That Makes a World of Difference

IPSL accepts financial aid and AmeriCorps Education Awards. IP...

Fleming College
00 reviews

Fleming College

International Education at Fleming College (Canada)

Fleming College offers a diverse range of programs across its thr...

Lamar University
00 reviews

Lamar University

Lamar University Graduate Programs for International Student

Lamar University offers a diverse array of graduate programs tail...

Southampton Solent University
00 reviews

Southampton Solent University

Study Abroad Program at Solent University

The Solent University Global Exchange Experience invites internat...

Latest Program Reviews

Cyber Politics Journey: Practical Insights and Real-World Engagement

by: Edvin Gobanyi - HungaryProgram: Graduate Programs at The Lowy International School

My name is Edvin and I am a Master's student in the Cyber Politics and Goverment Program at Aviv University. During this challenging period, I follow the programme online from abroad. During the programme, I have gained a lot of practical knowledge and have learned to study and apply the material. I was able to follow the lessons online and they were always informative. The instructors were always very helpful, adapting well to the situation at hand, and every lesson was active and interactive. All the teaching materials were easily accessible and I almost always had the opportunity to learn from the latest research. I had the opportunity to listen to several guest speakers and attend conferences and I also had to give several presentations in class on more and more interesting topics. Most importantly, for me, in addition to increasing my lexical knowledge, the programme taught me how to apply it in practice and gave me a comprehensive, integrated view of the political, social and economic implications of technological developments. Besides learning, I had the opportunity to assist the TAU Task Force. This small group of international students was committed to sharing real content about what was happening in Israel. The content they share on social media is a credible representation of reality, with interviews with professors and soldiers all giving a small slice of the events. They are also a safe bet in the international student community, who can pass on information first-hand. I am glad to have been part of this team.

A Guide to Public Health Degrees Abroad

Best Locations

Public health is a popular field of study at universities all over the world, so your decision of where to earn your public health degree abroad should really come down to the regional context you seek to explore.

The most highly touted public health degrees abroad are not surprisingly found at the most highly touted schools, especially in Europe, North America, and Australia. Johns Hopkins University in the United States, University of Toronto in Canada, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK, and the University of Sydney in Australia, are just a few of the schools that boast some of the most prestigious public health degree programs on the planet.

In the developing world you may not find as many globally prestigious degrees in public health, but you will find a very different manifestation of the subject matter. Pre-industrial societies are more rurally populated and tend to lack a strong social state, which can provide varying levels of healthcare. Public health within the context of rural poverty will indeed look very different than public health in a fully developed economy. Earning a public health degree abroad at a university in South Africa, Southeast Asia, or Central America can thus be a tremendously rewarding pursuit.

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